Years Until relocation

The Sector Communities of Hypogea

Where Life on Earth Continues

Hypogea is divided into sectors, with each sector acting as its own community. A Community Synth is installed and assigned to each sector to act as the liaison between the sector’s citizens and Worlds Unlimited. Community Synths are tasked with the safety and security of citizens and have their own unique specializations designed for the needs of the local population.

Sectors B-F are now taking new residents! Upgraded living quarters and proximity to the upcoming Worlds Unlimited Park make these sectors among the most desirable locations in Hypogea. 

Sector A is gated with access granted to those who have collected Worlds Unlimited NFTs. Learn more about Sector A residency coming soon.

Find Your Home in Hypogea

* indicates required

Please allow a few minutes for your sector assignment email to arrive.

Did you Know?

The mechanical embellishments that appear on Community Synths are purely decorative. When Synths were being developed, focus groups expressed they were more comfortable with Synths who didn't appear as exact Human replicas.


Distributions each Sunday

ECO (Edibles Chemically Optimized) Rations are nutritionally perfect consumables designed to provide an entire day’s worth of sustenance for the human body. Enhanced with vitamins, these daily servings deliver the essential fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and amino acids to support cognitive ability, cell repair, and improve bodily functions.

Did you Know?

ECORations’ most requested flavor is chocolate ice cream. With the extinction of much of the planet’s vegetation by 2215, including the source of chocolate (the cacao tree), the flavor profile used in the ECORations is derived from products in Earth’s antiquity, namely unopened storage of mostly shelf-stable extracts.

Worlds Unlimited

Community Roadmap

Stage One

500 Hypogea Citizens

NFT Giveaway

Stage Two

1000 Hypogea Citizens

Limited edition t-shirts issued by Worlds Unlimited will be sent out to randomly selected registered Hypogeans. Citizens need only get their sector assignment and join the Worlds Unlimited Discord before our community reaches 1000 to be eligible.

Stage Three

2000 Hypogea Citizens

ECORations new flavors unlocked. Citizens in all sectors will be invited to vote on new, short run ECORations NFTs that will be randomly airdropped to Hypogean citizens active in the Worlds Unlimited Discord. 

Stage Four

3000 Hypogea Citizens

Hypogea’s new hydroponics lab unlocked and introduction to professions available for citizen assignment. Details to be announced.

Stage Five


Worlds Unlimited Park unlocked.



Sector A


Worlds Unlimited Park
