ATTENTION: Threat Alert Level 3 – Reports of Hun activity in Sector D

Please be reminded of the dangers of The Hun.

The Hun are surface dwellers, and are composed of those who have rejected the Hypogean way of life or those who have been ejected from the community. Both humans and synths have found a home in their ranks. The Hun are disorganized, unpredictable and rely largely on “raid and trade” practices, stealing and hijacking supplies from innocent Hypogean citizens. Hypogeans have reportedly been dragged to the surface to join The Hun as hostages, for labor, and even as food. If any citizen suspects Hun activity in their sector or suspect a Hypogean is conducting business with Hun tradesmen, it is imperative to report it immediately to your Community Synth. Any citizen found to be trading with The Hun will be treated as conspirators and considered a threat to Hypogea. Punishment is family exile to the surface. Keeping your sector safe is keeping Hypogea safe. 

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